Our Story

If life is a journey, it should be long, interesting and without regrets. It should have twists and turns along the way that ultimately lead to a “happy place” of joy and satisfaction.

The journey of this coffee trailer has been just that. What started many years ago as a catering career in a big city hotel, led to a side hustle of event planning which ultimately resulted in the unique trendy business of a vintage camper mobile coffee shop.

With all the vibes of retro meets modern day taste and convenience, Center Depot is a Happy Place of street food and drinks in the beautiful suburban valley of San Anselmo. It’s a special spot for meeting a friend for coffee or grabbing a quick bite en route to your own journey.

Tammy Parr, the founder of Center Depot, serves up a cup o’ joe at the soft opening on April 17, 2021.

Tammy Parr, the founder of Center Depot, serves up a cup o’ joe at the soft opening on April 17, 2021.

Yolanda Station - 1912. Today’s Center Depot coffee cart- which sits next to the Black Rabbit Trading Co. - would be where the people are standing on the left side of the frame.

Yolanda Station - 1912. Today’s Center Depot coffee cart- which sits next to the Black Rabbit Trading Co. - would be where the people are standing on the left side of the frame.